1-5 July 2024
Rhodes University
Africa/Johannesburg timezone


"To the next 100, South Africa's future in physics"

We are pleased to announce the opening of registration and call for abstracts for the 68th Annual conference of the South African Institute of Physics (SAIP2024) to be held at Rhodes University, Grahamstown\Makhanda from 1- 5 July 2024.

SAIP2024 will be held against the backdrop of Rhodes University’s 120th anniversary celebration. The conference itself will be concerned with contemporary physics, the foundations of which are acknowledged, sometimes obliquely. The theme “To the next 100, South Africa's future in physics" confidently projects a future of many shifts in the boundaries of our knowledge.

Please register for the conference and submit your abstracts at the conference website at:




‘The SAIP conference is the forum for shaping the future of physics in South Africa. This is where physicists engage with issues held in common and form the seeds of policy. This is the place to invite the world leaders, and to welcome students and graduates into the community of practice. Besides, physics is the best way to be a little crazy.’

Igle Gledhill: Professor of Physics, Past President and Fellow of the SAIP
Participate in SAIP2024 to immerse yourself in the vibrant South African physics community. Discover cutting-edge advancements, seize networking opportunities, and actively contribute to the dialogue shaping the future of physics in South Africa. Let your voice be heard and be part of the dynamic exchange that defines the SAIP experience.’

Patricia Whitelock: Professor of Astronomy, Past-President and Fellow of the SAIP

The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.