13-17 November 2023
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Big Science and Big Goals for Africa

Comparative Study on X-ray Imaging with CsI(Tl) Scintillators: Monte Carlo Simulation using GEANT4

15 Nov 2023, 11:00
Partner Partner


Mr Charaf Eddine BENKABDI (ÉQUIPE DE RADIATIONS ET SYSTEMES NUCLÉAIRES) Prof. Tarek El bardouni (Équipe de radiations et systemes nucléaires)


This oral presentation delves into the application of Monte Carlo simulation using GEANT4 software to assess the performance of X-ray detectors. The study focuses on the use of a CsI(Tl) scintillator for X-ray imaging, comparing the outcomes achieved with pixelated and non-pixelated scintillators. The primary objective is to discern the essential differences between these two configurations by calculating the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) in each case. Furthermore, the evaluation of the Detective Quantum Efficiency (DQE) will allow for an in-depth analysis of performance. The results of this research provide significant insights into the pros and cons of pixelated and non-pixelated scintillators in the context of X-ray imaging, with important implications for enhancing radiology detection techniques. This study presents a valuable contribution to the optimization of X-ray detection systems.

Primary authors

Mr Charaf Eddine BENKABDI (ÉQUIPE DE RADIATIONS ET SYSTEMES NUCLÉAIRES) Prof. Tarek El bardouni (Équipe de radiations et systemes nucléaires)

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