3-4 November 2022
The Lakes Hotel & Conference Centre
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Invited Plenaries

Dr Neelima Paul

Forschungsneutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II), Technische Universität München, Germany


Dr. Neelima Paul is a physicist with background in preparation and characterization of inorganic semiconductor nanostructures and polymers using neutron, X-ray, infrared and microscopy techniques. At TUM, she focuses on Li-ion battery research and performs operando and post-mortem evaluations of electrode microstructure and morphology, and investigates Li diffusion kinetics within cells to understand the fundamental processes, so that safer Li-ion batteries with even higher energy densities and longer lifetimes can be realized.

Prof David Lennon

School of Chemistry, Joseph Black Building, University of Glasgow, Glasgow,  UK


Research in the David Lennon group involves surface chemistry and in particular applying a variety of spectroscopic techniques to probe the interaction of atoms and molecules on well-defined metal surfaces. Such substrates include supported metal catalysts as well as metal single crystals. An increased understanding of the structure and reactivity at surfaces is of fundamental importance in heterogeneous catalysis. Examples of current projects are (i) the development and optimisation of new supported metal catalysts for large scale industrial processes, (ii) spectroscopic investigations of heterogeneous catalyst systems and (iii) surface science experiments on metal single crystals. The majority of his work has industrial applications.

Dr Zoë Fisher

Scientific Activities Division, European Spallation Source ERIC, Lund, Sweden; Biology Department, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.


Dr Zoë Fisher completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Stellenbosch in 2000 before moving to the USA for work and to pursue a PhD degree. After completing her doctorate at the University of Florida in 2006, she became a postdoc and later a staff scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. In 2014 she relocated to Sweden to join the European Spallation Source and today leads the deuteration & macromolecules crystallization team.

Dr Ralph Gilles

Head Advanced Materials;

Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), TU München , Germany


Dr Ralph Gilles is a physicist and heading the research group “Advanced Materials” with expertise in neutron scattering methods for studying energy materials as high-temperature alloys and batteries. At the FRM-II research reactor, he was working as an instrument scientist to design, built and brought into commission the structure powder diffractometer SPODI and the small-angle scattering instrument SANS -1 dedicated for materials science and magnetism at MLZ. In his group methods as diffraction, small-angle scattering, imaging, neutron depth profiling and neutron induced prompt gamma activation analysis are applied mainly for alloy and battery research. He has authored over 170 peer-reviewed articles (37 as first author) on topics ranging from instrumentation at large scale facilities, alloy development, thin films and ceramics over to in-situ and operando studies on batteries. Furthermore, he is the industrial coordinator for industrial use of scientific instruments at MLZ.

Dr Mark Johnson

Associate Director - Head of Science Division

Institut Laue Langevin (ILL), Grenoble, France


Dr Mark Johnson joined the ILL in 1995 as an instrument scientist and then as Head of Scientific Computing from 1999.  Mark became Associate Director and Head of the Science Division at ILL in October 2016.  He played a leading a role in delivering a science programme of increasing quality, the ambitious ‘Endurance’ upgrade programme and an EU-funded PhD programme for pre-competitive research with industry partners in collaboration with the ESRF. This period as Associate Director, which included the completion of the post-Fukushima reactor response, culminated with the agreement by the ILL Associates (France, Germany and the UK) to fund the institute for another 10-year period from 2024 to 2033, a total investment of the order of 750 M€. In his current role he is responsible for Partnerships and Communication at the ILL where he is working to further expand the scientific membership of the ILL, beyond the existing 11 member countries, to deliver the additional 250 M€ of budget over 10 years that will ensure ILL is fully funded until 2033.


Dr Florence Porcher

Researcher and Research Director

Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB), Saclay, France


Dr Florence Porcher originally specialised in single crystal X-ray diffraction and completed her training in neutron powder diffraction at Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB), Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA). She was delegated to National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) as part-time researcher and came in charge of the High-resolution spectrometer 3T2 and was responsible for building the high flux, long wavelength diffractometer G6.1 as well as the high resolution cold diffractometer G4.4. During this period, she kept doing local contacting on the unpolarised single crystal diffractometer 5C2 for studies in line with her own research. As a consequence, she came in charge of the selection committee for structural studies at LLB-Orphée. During the activity of Orphée reactor, she expanded her expertise in Crystallography to the studies of metallurgy, materials for hydrogen storage, magnetic compounds, ferroelectric or multiferroic, and in terms of crystallography, from microstructural studies, to phase analysis and resolution of crystal or magnetic structures and diffuse scattering.

Dr Burkhard Schillinger

Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany


Dr Burkhard Schillinger currently works at the Forschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II), Technische Universität München. He is instrument scientist for the neutron imaging facility ANTARES, the facility with the brightest and best collimated beam world-wide. Burkhard does research in Experimental Physics, Materials Science and Nuclear Physics. Current projects include 'Humidity Transport in Insulations', fossils in irion 'red beds', namely hearing capabilities in Therapsids/pre-mammals, detector design and neutron imaging facility design as advisor for many international facilities.

Dr Jens M. Walter

Research associate at the Department of Structural Geology and Geodynamics at the Georg-August University of Göttingen


As a structural geologist, Dr Walter deals with (quantitative) microstructure analysis, the mechanisms and processes of rock deformation and recrystallization. In recent years Jens have been in charge of the realization of sample environments for deformation and recrystallization experiments in the neutron beam. This makes it possible to quantitatively determine deformation or recrystallization mechanisms in a time-resolved manner during the corresponding experiment. Jens also work on the archaeometric characterization of ceramics and their manufacturing processes. Since December 2013 Jens have been co-managing director and co-founder of the MASA Institute GmbH, which was spun off from the University of Goettingen

Dr Cheul Muu Sim

Scientist Advisory

Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) , Neutron Science Center, South Korea


Dr Sim received his PhD in Electronic Engineering in 1998 and has since also extensively studied the field of agricultural sciences by employing electron beam and neutron imaging techniques. He was involved with the establishment and characterization of High-Flux Advanced Neutron Application Reactor (HANARO)

neutron radiography facility at KAERI. He has experience in a number of diverse fields and is involved with numerous collaborations which include development of lithium batteries, hydrogen fuels, neutron detectors, ultrasonic systems, fast neutron interrogation systems and aircraft neutron radiography inspection systems.

Dr Martin Boehm

Head of the Spectroscopy

Institut Laue Langevin (ILL), Grenoble, France


Dr Boehm has been working on neutron scattering for more than twenty years. He was an instrument scientist at the cold Three-Axis Spectrometer IN14 at the ILL since 2004. In 2010 he became project leader of the instrument project ThALES, was interim Head of TAS group from October 2015 till June 2016 and is a scientific advisor for the MARMOT project. His scientific interests are closely related to the science case of neutron spectrometers, especially studying the dynamics in quantum magnetic and correlated electronic systems as well as application of new (machine learning) algorithms to inelastic neutron scattering with the aim of accelerating the data acquisition and interpretation.

Dr Nikolay Kardjilov

Institute of Applied Materials, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin for Materials and Energy, Germany

Dr. Nikolay Kardjilov is a researcher at the Institute of Applied Materials of the Helmholtz Centre Berlin for Materials and Energy, Germany. He was a beamline scientists at the neutron imaging instrument CONRAD-2 before the shutdown of the research reactor BER-2 in 2019. Since 2020 he is a member of the Joint Research Unit Ni-Matters supporting the construction and the operation of the new neutron imaging instrument NeXT at ILL in Grenoble, France. His research interests relate to development of new experimental techniques for investigation of the structure and property of materials the help of neutron radiation.  Dr. Kardjilov has worked on the development of methods using different contrast mechanisms like phase- and diffraction-contrast imaging, visualizing of magnetic fields by polarized neutrons and high-resolution applications. These methods are implemented nowadays at different facilities worldwide and are provided to the user community for addressing a broad spectrum of scientific and industrial problems.