6-10 May 2019
Kariega Game Reserve
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Conference photos can be downloaded from links at the bottom of the Overview page

Abstracts, Presentations & Proceedings



Please download this TEMPLATE for the abstract. Also prepare a text-only summary of about 150 words giving a brief idea of the content.

To submit an abstract, you must first log-in to the Indico system (if you do not already have an account, create one here.) Use the menu item "Submit a new abstract", and type in the title, text-only abstract summary, and choose a preferred presentation type (oral or poster) - note that the conference organisers may change the presentation type to fit the programme of the conference. Attach your one-page MS-word abstract file and add one primary author as well as any co-authors as necessary.  Select a single author who will present the work.  Add any comments if you wish.



Instructions for Oral presentations:
Invited speakers:  40 minutes = 35 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion and questions.

Speakers:  20 minutes = 15 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion and questions.

A laptop with Windows 7 and Microsoft Powerpoint as well as Adobe Acrobat will be available for the presentations.

Instructions for Posters:
Posters should be A0 (841 mm horizontal × 1189 mm vertical) or smaller. Material to attach posters will be provided.


The previous conference proceedings were published in Physica B (Condensed Matter) volume 535.

For SACPM2019 please note the following arrangements for the Special Issue: Selected Papers from the 8th South African Conference on Photonic Materials SACPM2019. The editorial team of the SACPM2019 conference will select 30 of the best paper submissions to be published in a special issue of Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter. All papers for consideration must be submitted on the Elsevier website:

  1. Click on “Submit your paper” on the left hand menu.
  2. If you already have an Elsevier account enter you login details otherwise you will need to register before you can submit your paper.
  3. Under the new submissions menu, click on “Submit new manuscript”.
  4. Under article type select VSI-SACPM 2019. It is very important that the correct article type is selected, otherwise your paper will not be considered for this conference proceedings.
Submission deadline: 24 May  2019

Author guidelines: https://www.elsevier.com/journals/physica-b-condensed-matter/0921-4526/guide-for-authors