This day falls during the conference and the two communications below may be helpful.
1. Issued by: Rennies Travel Corporate Communications
Source: Independent Electoral Commission
Date: 19 February 2019
Should you be travelling internationally or not be home-based on 8 May, the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) has outlined the following process for South Africans who wish to vote, but will be unable to do so at their registered voting station.
An election timetable will be proclaimed – this is expected towards the end of February 2019. The timetable will include arrangements for Special Votes and the specific period during which application for a Special Vote can be made.
Voters will be able to apply for a Special Vote in one of the following ways:
· Online via the website;
· SMSing their identity number to 32249;
· Visiting their local IEC office (not the national or provincial offices) and submitting a MEC35 form. Forms can only be hand-delivered (no emails or faxes accepted), but another person can deliver the applicant’s completed form on their behalf. The applicant should receive an SMS notifying them of the outcome once their application has been processed, but they can also check the status of their special vote application online through the IEC website.
2. Via email: Nolathando Zungu, IEC
Date: 19 March 2019
Applications for special votes for the 2019 National and Provincial Elections will open from 4 to 18 April 2019 only.
You can apply for a special vote:
- Online at (application link will only go live on 4 April 2019)
- Via SMS by texting your identity number to 32249 (note this is for voting station special votes only! Applications will not be accepted if sent outside of the special voting application period)
- At your local IEC office by submitting a VEC1 form. Forms can only be hand-delivered, but someone else can deliver your completed form on your behalf
- Via the Official IEC Election phone application.
Special voting days allocated for the 2019 National and Provincial Elections are 6 and 7 May 2019 – the two days before Election Day on 8 May 2019. Home visits will be conducted on 6 and 7 May, and special votes at voting stations will take place on 6 and 7 May. By law, special votes can only be cast on the dates specified in the election timetable and no exceptions can be made.