Abdelkrim RACHEDI
(Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Saida University)
Available online at the link: http://www.bioinformaticstools.org/stad/ (main web-site), STAD is a database that annotates and stores information pertaining to structural targets (mainly proteins selected for 3d-structure and function elucidation) understudy at laboratories in a number of Algerian, Moroccan and South African institutes; refer to Targets Contributing Member Institutes page: http://www.bioinformaticstools.org/stad/STsources.php .
The database is used for tracking the progress of the targets as they are moved from a step to another until their 3d structures are solved and/or work on them has stopped. STAD provides a number of methods for information retrieval; the ‘Direct’ search method can be used to find out detailed information about the sequence of the targets, the stages of their production and structure determination. ‘Patterns/motifs’ search allows for finding targets with certain sequence motifs. Targets with overall sequence similarity to other public sequences are found by using the ‘Sequence Alignment’ search method. In addition to basic annotation of the targets, automatic basic structural and functional prediction is carried out and annotated, for the targets that structure has not been solved yet. Such analyses are also provided in the results page. More tools are provided for further exploration of the targets including a Status
page, Statsboard (for overall simple statistics, see main web-site) and a Structural Gallery; http://www.bioinformaticstools.org/stad/gallery.php?Lab_=All .
Unless targets are tagged as private based on source lab instructions, targets’ details from all contributing institutes and international public targets together with the
Document Type Definition (DTD) are made available for download in xml format; http://www.bioinformaticstools.org/stad/gallery.php?ns=2
Primary author
Abdelkrim RACHEDI
(Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Saida University)