28 January 2019 to 2 February 2019
Bank of Ghana Conf Facility, Uni Ghana.
Africa/Accra timezone
PCCr2 and AfLS2

The Study of the Residual stresses and Wear performance of WC-Co thin film deposition by Magnetron Sputtering

29 Jan 2019, 17:25
Ernest Aryeetery Hall (Bank of Ghana Conf Facility, Uni Ghana.)

Ernest Aryeetery Hall

Bank of Ghana Conf Facility, Uni Ghana.

University Of Ghana, Legon, Accra-Ghana
Poster Presentations AfLS2 track AfLS2 Poster Session


Mr L.L. Collieus (Botswana International University of Science and Technology)


Control and manipulation of residual stresses in thin films is key in attaining coatings with high mechanical and tribo-logical performance. This work, therefore, focused on investigating residual stresses generated in WC-Co thin film coatings, deposited on mild steel substrates by magnetic sputtering. The effect of deposition parameters on the generation of these stresses was analyzed on the thin film coating by sin 2ψ X-ray diffraction. The X-ray spectra of the surface revealed an amorphous phase of the thin film, as a result, the measured stresses were of the substrate surface. Compressive stresses were identified within all samples studied. These compressive stresses are mainly attributed to the atomic shot peening of the surface during deposition, which was observed to be greatly influenced by sputtering parameters. Investigation was further extended to study the wear performance of the coating which was remarkable compared to the as-received substrate.

Primary authors

Mr L.L. Collieus (Botswana International University of Science and Technology) Mr R.R. Phiri (Botswana International University of Science and Technology)


Prof. E.T. Akinlabi (University of Johannesburg) Dr O.P. Oladijo (Botswana International University of Science and Technology)

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