28 January 2019 to 2 February 2019
Bank of Ghana Conf Facility, Uni Ghana.
Africa/Accra timezone
PCCr2 and AfLS2

Induced defect levels of P and Al vacancy-complexes in 4H-SiC: A hybrid functional study

29 Jan 2019, 17:15
Ernest Aryeetery Hall (Bank of Ghana Conf Facility, Uni Ghana.)

Ernest Aryeetery Hall

Bank of Ghana Conf Facility, Uni Ghana.

University Of Ghana, Legon, Accra-Ghana
Poster Presentations AfLS2 track AfLS2 Poster Session


Dr Emmanuel Igumbor (University of Pretoria)


The electronic behaviour of high-dose phosphorus implanted in 4H-SiC is mainly desirable to obtained lower sheet resistance of 4H-SiC. Al doping on the other hand acts as an acceptor, improves the dielectric properties of 4H-SiC and has very low diffusivity in SiC. Using a hybrid density functional theory, we investigated the properties of Al and P defect-complexes in 4H-SiC a wide band-gap semiconductor that is promising for applications in high-frequency and high-temperature electronic device. We show that vacancy-complexes formed by PSi and AlSi are more energetically stable than those formed by PC and AlC. The defects with silicon vacancy are predicted to experience more lattice distortion compared to those formed with carbon vacancy. While vacancy-complexes formed with PSi or PC and VC induced double donor levels, vacancy-complex formed with substitution of P and VSi induced negative-U charge state ordering. The Al with VC related vacancy-complexes induced deep single donor and acceptor levels, and Al with VSi induced only acceptor and negative-U ordering.


We have used DFT from first-principles to predict the properties of various P and Al related vacancy-complexes in 4H-SiC: reporting their formation energies, binding energies, charge state transition levels and negative-U charge state ordering properties. The vacancy-complexes with silicon vacancy were predicted to experience more lattice distortion compared to those formed with carbon vacancy. The P and Al related vacancy-complexes showed that they are stable with respect to their binding energies under equilibrium conditions. While the vacancy-complexes formed by the P Si and Al Si are more energetically stable, the vacancy-complexes formed by PC and AlC had high formation energies. The PSiVC and AlSi VC are energetically most favourable defects at any Fermi-level in the band gap of 4H-SiC for P and Al related vacancy-complexes, respectively. This result also corroborate earlier report on the characterization of this defect. The defect levels induced by the P related vacancy-complexes are very shallow close to the conduction band minimum for the single and double acceptor levels, and deep for both the single and double donor levels. Furthermore, only the PSi VSi and PC VSi induced negative-U charge state ordering that are lying deep in the band gap of 4H-SiC. While the Al with VC related vacancy-complexes on the other hand induced deep single donor and acceptor levels, the Al with VSi induced only acceptor and negative-U charge state ordering. These results provide an insight for future work which is crucial for improving the quality of n-type SiC.

Primary author

Dr Emmanuel Igumbor (University of Pretoria)

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