Thierry d'Almeida
(CEA France)
X-ray experimental and analysis techniques are indispensable tools for addressing major challenges in many fields, including health, energy, agriculture and environment. Hence, building a Light Source Facility somewhere in Africa in the near future is a key priority that is being addressed through the efforts of both the African Light Source Foundation and the Light Source for Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Middle east Project (LAAAMP).
Besides these endeavors, a training program dedicated to X-Ray Techniques for Sustainable Development (XTech-SD) is being established within the Sèmè City hub, one of Benin Government’s flagship projects, which aims to create a world-class knowledge and innovation center in Africa. The overall objective of XTech-SD is to endow the local and regional scientific communities with technical skills that will allow them to use X ray techniques as tools for solving specific critical socioeconomic issues. Also, this program is expected to train a breeding-ground of experts that will animate and contribute to the AfLS roadmap.
We report the current status of the XTech-SD initiative and discuss various scientific, technical and organizational aspects of the program.
Primary author
Thierry d'Almeida
(CEA France)
Claude Borna
(Seme City)
Marielle Agbahoungbata
(University of Abomey Calavi)
Wilfried Kangbode
(University of Abomey Calavi)