8-12 July 2019
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Deadline for papers for the conference proceedings is 15 August 2019

Cosmic radiation and space exploration

10 Jul 2019, 11:20
Protea The Ranch Hotel (Polokwane)

Protea The Ranch Hotel


Oral Presentation Track D2 - Space Science Space Science


Dr Du Toit Strauss (Centre for Space Research, North-West University)


We live in an interesting time of space exploration; NASA is planning to return to the moon in 2024 and a permanently crewed lunar outpost also in the pipeline. This is part of a renewed drive to land the first humans on Mars in the 2030's. Private companies, such as SpaceX, also have such plans in place. A major obstacle to long-term crewed missions outside the protective shielding provided by the Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere is, however, the potentially high level of exposure to galactic and solar cosmic rays. Here, we discuss the origin and levels of radiation at and above aviation altitudes, as well as the potential dangers that astronauts experience as a result of varying ionizing radiation levels in interplanetary space. We will discuss our current efforts in forecasting any enhanced levels of radiation produced during solar transient events, including forecasting of the related dosimetric quantities.

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Level for award<br>&nbsp;(Hons, MSc, <br> &nbsp; PhD, N/A)?


Primary author

Dr Du Toit Strauss (Centre for Space Research, North-West University)


Dr Arik Posner (NASA HQ) Mr GODFREY MOSOTHO MOSOTHO (NORTH - WEST UNIVERSITY) Mr Phillip Heita (North-West University (CSR)) Mr Ruhann Steyn (Center for Space Research, North-West University)

Presentation Materials

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