8-12 July 2019
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Deadline for papers for the conference proceedings is 15 August 2019

The Study of Microwave Power Effect and Anisotropic Effect in Ba0.34K0.64Fe2As2 (BaK122) Superconducting Single Crystal Using Non-Resonant Microwave Absorption Technique.

11 Jul 2019, 15:00
Protea The Ranch Hotel (Polokwane)

Protea The Ranch Hotel


Poster Presentation Track A - Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials Poster Session 2


Ms Tshiwela caroline Ramashitja (Department of physics, University of South Africa , Private Bag X6, Florida 1710, South Africa)


Non resonant microwave absorption technique at liquid helium temperature has been used to study the microwave power effect and anisotropic effect on the hysteresis loops of superconducting BaK122 single crystals measured at 9.4GHz below Tc (32 K). We have found a striking microwave power effect on the hysteresis loops that were measured and a strong anisotropy was found for the two distinct cases where magnetic field applied parallel and perpendicular to the Iron Arsenide plane. We interpret the wide and narrow hysteresis loops as due to the microwave power induced phase locking of several numbers of junctions into coherent groups and then the destruction of the phase locking by the applied DC field leading to the fluxon motion , which gives the loss in individual junctions belonging to these otherwise coherent groups.

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Primary author

Ms Tshiwela caroline Ramashitja (Department of physics, University of South Africa , Private Bag X6, Florida 1710, South Africa)


Prof. Srinivasu Vallabhapurapu (Department of physics, University of South Africa , Private Bag X6, Florida 1710, South Africa)

Presentation Materials

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