8-12 July 2019
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Deadline for papers for the conference proceedings is 15 August 2019

The effect of iron-particles on the electrical properties of n-GaSb semiconductor material

11 Jul 2019, 15:00
Protea The Ranch Hotel (Polokwane)

Protea The Ranch Hotel


Poster Presentation Track A - Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials Poster Session 2


Mr ABONGILE BELE (Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University)


Semiconductor material are characterized with the Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) as a basic structure. The study was conducted in order to check the effect of iron particles on the electrical properties of Gallium antimonide (GaSb) semiconductor material. Gallium Antimonide (GaSb) was implanted with iron particles at various ion fluences ranging from 1.2 × 10^15 to 1.2 × 10^17 cm^-2 while keeping the ion energy at 90 keV. Aluminium (Al) Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) were fabricated on Te-doped n-type Gallium Antimonide implanted with Fe+ at various fluences. Structural and electrical properties have been investigated using the Raman spectroscopy and I-V characterization. I-V measurements were performed for all the samples. Raman spectroscopy shows a slight amorphization at fluences higher than 1.2 x 10^15 cm^-2. The ideality factor (n) increased from 1.3 for the undoped to 2.0 for 1.2 x 10^17 cm^-2. The barrier height was found to decrease from 0.735 eV for 1.2 x 10^17 cm^-2 to 0.653 eV for 1.2 x 10^17 cm^-2. Generally, the barrier height decreased with the increasing doping fluences while the ideality factor increased with the increasing doping fluences.

Level for award<br>&nbsp;(Hons, MSc, <br> &nbsp; PhD, N/A)?


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Primary author

Mr ABONGILE BELE (Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University)


Prof. Mpho Enoch Sithole (Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University)

Presentation Materials

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Peer reviewing
