Onesimo Mtintsilana
(University of Witwatersrand)
The background composition and shapes are studied in spectral control regions which are constructed inverting selections or lepton identification requirements. I will be looking at the effect of pileup for the H -> ZZ -> 4l channel with weighted histograms, normalized to the expected luminosity. The background considered is the qq -> ZZ reducible background which is from a dominant quark-antiquark initial state. Comparisons between mc16a, mc16d and mc16e samples for the pile effect and the expected yield will be studied for all channels. I will also look at studies on the high mass qq->ZZ samples.
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Prof Bruce Mellado
University of Witwatersrand
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Primary authors
Bruce Mellado
(University of the Witwatersrand)
Onesimo Mtintsilana
(University of Witwatersrand)
Theodota Lagouri
(University of Witwatersrand)