25-29 June 2018
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
General information and Registration for SAIP2018 is handled by Eastern Sun Events at: http://www.saipconference.co.za/ <p> Deadline for papers for the conference proceedings is 28 July 2018

Solutions of Einstein-Klein-Gordon equations with logarithmic phantom field

27 Jun 2018, 14:20
Oral Presentation Track G - Theoretical and Computational Physics Theoretical and Computational Physics


Vladimir Dzhunushaliev (KRSU)


We study Einstein-Klein-Gordon equations with a phantom, which is a scalar field with a negative sign in front of the kinetic energy term of its Lagrange density. Such equations can find applications in approximate cosmological models based on a low-energy limit of the superfluid vacuum theory. We show that they have spherically symmetric solutions, and perform their stability analysis.

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Primary authors

Dr Konstantin Zloshchastiev (Durban University of Technology) Vladimir Dzhunushaliev (KRSU)

Presentation Materials

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