25-29 June 2018
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
General information and Registration for SAIP2018 is handled by Eastern Sun Events at: http://www.saipconference.co.za/ <p> Deadline for papers for the conference proceedings is 28 July 2018

Ionospheric Diurnal Double Peak Structures

26 Jun 2018, 15:00
Poster Presentation Track D2 - Space Science Poster Session 1


Mr Joe Taylor (University of Michigan)


The study of ionospheric disturbances and irregularities is beneficial to both the scientific advancement of knowledge as well as the practical applicability to high frequency (HF) communications, navigation, surveying and understanding various aspects of space weather effects on technological systems. Studies have shown that ionospheric disturbances have characteristic features, such as diurnal double peak structures, that differ from effects associated with major geomagnetic storm, Pi et al (1995). Diurnal double peak structures have been observed to have varying magnitudes with respect to the background ionosphere. In addition there has not been convincing evidence that these structures are caused solely by geomagnetic disturbances, Katamzi et al (2012). In fact, a study by Katamzi et al. (2016) in a case study showed evidence of tides having an influence on their generation, from the observations of sporadic E layer. However, this needs further investigation. Therefore the student will use long-term ionosonde and GPS data to investigate the relationship between sporadic E layer and double peak structures over South Africa.

Supervisor details<br><b>If not a student, type N/A.</b><br>Student abstract submision<br>requires supervisor permission:<br>please give their name,<br> institution and email address.

Zama Katamzi-Joseph, SANSA zkatamzi@sansa.org.za

Consideration for<br>student awards<br><b>Choose one option<br>from those below.</b><br>N/A<br>Hons<br>MSc<br>PhD N/A
Please confirm that you<br>have carefully read the<br>abstract submission instructions<br>under the menu item<br>"Call for Abstracts"<br><b>(Yes / No)</b> Yes

Primary author

Mr Joe Taylor (University of Michigan)


Prof. Mark Moldwin (University of Michigan) Dr Zama Thobeka Katamzi-Joseph (South African National Space Agency)

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