25-29 June 2018
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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Deconvolution method for obtaining directly the original in-depth distribution of composition from the measured sputter depth profile

26 Jun 2018, 15:00
Poster Presentation Track A - Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials Poster Session 1


Dr Xin Liang Yan (Shantou university, China)


It is shown that the original in-depth distribution of composition can be directly obtained by the deconvolution of measured depth profiling data using the MRI (Mixing-Roughness-Information) depth resolution function, as demonstrated for the case that the original depth-concentration distribution is either a smooth function or a square wave function. To overcome the ill-conditioned problem that is often experienced in the deconvolution procedure, the regularization method and the TV-Tikhonov algorithm are applied. The noise influences from measured data points on the deconvolution procedure are discussed quantitatively.

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Jiangyong Wang,Physics department,Shantou University,China; wangjy@stu.edu.cn

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Primary author

Mr Songyou Lian (Shantou University)


Prof. Jiangyong Wang (Shantou University) Dr Xin Liang Yan (Shantou university, China) Mr Yishan Han (Shantou University)

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