25-29 June 2018
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
General information and Registration for SAIP2018 is handled by Eastern Sun Events at: http://www.saipconference.co.za/ <p> Deadline for papers for the conference proceedings is 28 July 2018

Non-specialist talk: GW170817 - The South African Perspective

27 Jun 2018, 14:40
Oral Presentation Track D1 - Astrophysics Astrophysics


Dr Markus Bottcher (North-West University)


The joint detection of a gravitational-wave event from a binary-neutron-star merger, GW170817, by LIGO/VIRGO and a short gamma-ray burst, GRB170817A, by Fermi-GBM and INTEGRAL, ushers in a new era of true multi-messenger astronomy. It triggered the most intensive, world-wide multi-wavelength follow-up observing campaign ever conducted to date, involving almost 3,700 astronomers around the world. This talk will review the observations of this event, highlighting the contributions by southern African observatories (e.g., H.E.S.S., SALT, MeerKAT). These will be put into the broader context of recent developments in multi-messenger astronomy, including the possible association of high-energy neutrinos detected by IceCube, with flaring gamma-ray sources. Future prospects for multi-messenger astronomy and the Southern African involvement in these exciting developments will be discussed.

Supervisor details<br><b>If not a student, type N/A.</b><br>Student abstract submision<br>requires supervisor permission:<br>please give their name,<br> institution and email address.


Please confirm that you<br>have carefully read the<br>abstract submission instructions<br>under the menu item<br>"Call for Abstracts"<br><b>(Yes / No)</b> Yes
Consideration for<br>student awards<br><b>Choose one option<br>from those below.</b><br>N/A<br>Hons<br>MSc<br>PhD N/|A

Primary author

Dr Markus Bottcher (North-West University)

Presentation Materials

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