Mampionona Ralaimiaramanana RAJAOFERASON
(Wits-University of Witwatersrand)
The search of a heavy resonance denoted H, decaying into four-leptonic final states through a pair of Z bosons is discussed. This study mainly focuses on the high mass region of the H->ZZ->4l decay channel with the ATLAS detector. Two different sets of signal Monte Carlo (MC) samples produced with different pileup conditions were studied for the gluon-gluon fusion production mode. For the MC comparisons, signal efficiency studies are presented at selected mass points. Also, shape comparisons of selected mass and kinematic (H, Z, leptons) variables were performed at the same time.
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Bruce Mellado-University of the Witwatersrand-Bruce.Mellado@wits.ac.za
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Primary authors
Bruce Mellado
(University of the Witwatersrand)
Mampionona Ralaimiaramanana RAJAOFERASON
(Wits-University of Witwatersrand)
Theodota Lagouri
(University of the Witwatersrand)