25-29 June 2018
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
General information and Registration for SAIP2018 is handled by Eastern Sun Events at: http://www.saipconference.co.za/ <p> Deadline for papers for the conference proceedings is 28 July 2018

Properties of Cubic Boron Nitride Particles formed by Ion Implantation.

28 Jun 2018, 15:00
Poster Presentation Track F - Applied Physics Poster Session 2


Prof. Trevor Derry (University of the Witwatersrand)


Hardness measurements of poly-crystalline hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) ion implanted samples were carried out using the FM-700 (Vickers) micro-hardness tester. Previously, it has been shown that the implantation of h-BN with different ions structurally deforms the irradiated surface layer to cubic-BN nano-particles as revealed by Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy, and the measured hardness increases with ion fluence. In the present study, the h-BN samples were implanted with 150 keV helium (He+), lithium (Li+), boron (B+) and neon (Ne+) ions at different ion fluences from 1 x 1014 to 5 x 1016 ions/cm2, while varying the sample temperature from room temperature to 300oC. The stress, strain and Young's modulus of the formed cubic-BN nanoparticles were determined from micro-indentation measurements. The results show that maximum stress on the samples was induced at an ion dose of 5 x 1015 ions/cm2 and the calculated Young's modulus at that fluence was 0,3 GPa for all ions.

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Primary author

Mr Lehlohonolo Lisema (University of the Witwatersrand)


Dr Emily Aradi (University of Huddersfield, U.K.) Morgan Madhuku (iThemba LABS) Dr Ronald Machaka (CSIR) Prof. Trevor Derry (University of the Witwatersrand)

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