Francois Kabeya
(University of Johannesburg (UJ))
Abstract content <br> (Max 300 words)<br><a href="http://events.saip.org.za/getFile.py/access?resId=0&materialId=0&confId=34" target="_blank">Formatting &<br>Special chars</a>
Presently, there is no model that describes the efficacy of lasers in treating coronary artery disease (CAD), which can be used by clinicians with or without minimal side effects. The current conventional CAD treatment with medication or bypass surgery or minimally invasive methods often present serious side effects such as breathing problems, heart attack, and dry cough, amongst others including sudden death (Skiner, 1993: 201-203; Mackinnon et al., 2003: 162).
The objective of this research project is to use a computer modelling approach to develop a model evaluating the required fluence rate, pulse duration, and beam profile for optimal laser treatment of coronary artery disease in order to establish a guideline that can be used by clinicians in South Africa.
It is demonstrated in Wech (2011: 29) and Karsten (2012: 1 - 2) that the optimal use of lasers as a treatment modality requires the understanding of all the parameters involved in the process of treatment. This includes the properties of the coronary artery (CA) tissue; the fluence rate reaching the target in order to provide the correct laser irradiance dose (J/cm2); the initial laser power, beam profile and pulse duration. To achieve these quantities, an integrating sphere experimental method will be used to determine all the optical parameters (fundamental and transport) of the CA tissue. A simulation computing method named ‘new Monte Carlo’ in advanced system analysis program (ASAP) to predict fluence rate will be employed. This program is a computing technique based on the random number and probability statistics of photons’ tracks propagating a biological tissue.
Mathematical model will be developed using Maxwell’s equations and Fresnel’s equations to calculate the addition of simulated light returning to the surface within a specified region and surface reflections.
This research will provide a guideline for a new cost effective and optimal CAD treatment with minimised risk of side effects.
Primary authors
Francois Kabeya
(University of Johannesburg (UJ))
Heidi Abrahamse
(University of Johannesburg)
Aletta Karsten