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Percolation is known to be a second order continuous phase transition and applied in a variety of problems ranging from physical sciences, mathematics as well as to computer science and social problems. However, recently Achlioptas demonstrated a discontinuous percolation transition by adopting a stochastic rule for cluster growth on a fully connected graph. An enormous attention has been generated to relook into the problem in recent time. A suppressed cluster growth model on the 2D square lattice is developed and its critical properties are studied. The lattice is initially populated with certain concentration &rho and all finite clusters are identified. These finite clusters are then allowed to grow with a time dependent probability which depend on the ratio of the mass of a cluster to the mass of the largest cluster present at that time. The growth process follows all the criteria of the original percolation model and cluster statistics is collected at the end of the growth process. As the initial seed concentration is varied continuously, say from 0.50 to 0.01, the model displays a crossover from continuous phase transition at high &rho value to a discontinuous transition at low &rho value without passing through a sharp tricritical point. The discontinuous transition is identified as a first order percolation transition.