Oral4: Data structures and Analysis Strategies in the VGOS Era
- Ludwig Combrinck (HartRAO)
- John Gipson (NVI Inc/GSFC NASA)
Thomas Artz
(Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation, University of Bonn)
16/03/2016, 11:10
4: Data Structures and Analysis Strategies in the VGOS Era
Oral Presentation
In a traditional least squares adjustment of parameters to the VLBI observation, typically tropospheric as well as clock parameters are determined in form of continuous piece-wise linear functions (CPWLF) with a given temporal resolution. As the VLBI observations are not equidistant, and on the contrary, exhibit gaps of sometimes several hours, singularities arise due to unresolvable...
Niko Kareinen
(Chalmers University of Technology)
16/03/2016, 11:25
4: Data Structures and Analysis Strategies in the VGOS Era
Oral Presentation
Robust and automatic estimation of ambiguities is one of the main requirements for a fully automated analysis of Intensive sessions. We apply the L1-norm minimization to ambiguity estimation and ionosphere calibration using the c5++ analysis software. This study includes IVS Intensive sessions on the Kokee-Wettzell baseline from 2001 to 2015 where Version-1 database are accessible. Version-1...
Grzegorz Klopotek
(Chalmers University of Technology)
16/03/2016, 11:40
4: Data Structures and Analysis Strategies in the VGOS Era
Oral Presentation
The IERS Conventions contain recommendations, definitions and models for space geodetic techniques including geodetic VLBI. In practice, different analysis software packages follow different estimation methods, use a variety of different correction models and sometimes adhere to conventions that might not be the latest. This may lead to differences in the results that should not appear among...
Tobias Nilsson
(GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences)
16/03/2016, 11:55
4: Data Structures and Analysis Strategies in the VGOS Era
Oral Presentation
The VLBI Global Observing System (VGOS) will present a number of challenges for VLBI data analysis. For example, there will be an increase in the number of observations per day by a factor of 10-30 or even more. Furthermore, another goal of VGOS is to reduce the latency between observation and availability of the results, like the Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) to less than one day....
Ann-Silje Kirkvik
(Norwegian Mapping Authority)
16/03/2016, 12:10
4: Data Structures and Analysis Strategies in the VGOS Era
Oral Presentation
The Norwegian Mapping Authority has been using GEOSAT to analyze 24-hour VLBI sessions. GEOSAT was originally developed by Per Helge Andersen at the Norwegian Research Defense Establishment, but is now owned by Norwegian Mapping Authority. GEOSAT is a multi-technique geodetic analysis software that aims to process observations from VLBI, SLR, GNSS and DORIS to improve the global geodetic...