13-19 March 2016
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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Plans and progress of the Vienna Correlator

14 Mar 2016, 15:45
Board: S3P9
Poster Presentation 3: Stations, Correlators, and Operations Centers Poster1-3


Johannes Boehm (Technische Universität Wien)


The VLBI group at Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien) is going to run a VLBI software correlator for scientific purposes. For that reason, DiFX is installed on the Vienna Scientific Cluster 3 (VSC-3) consisting of 2020 nodes, each equipped with 2 processors (Intel Xeon E5-2650v2, 2.6 GHz, 8 cores). Of course, only a fraction of the total number of cores will be available for VLBI correlation. The VSC-3 is connected to the scientific Geànt network with 10 Gbps, thus providing a high bandwidth for downloading data via e-transfer. In this presentation, we provide information about the current status of that project and future plans.

Primary author

Johannes Boehm (Technische Universität Wien)


Mr Andreas Hellerschmied (Technische Universität Wien) Dr Younghee Kwak (Vienna University of Technology)

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