13-19 March 2016
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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VLBI Delay Reduced from S/C Observation and its Calibration in Chang’E Mission

14 Mar 2016, 17:00
Board: S6P1
Poster Presentation 6: VLBI Observations of Space Vehicles Poster4-6


Dr Guangli Wang (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)


VLBI technique was used in China’s Lunar Exploration Project Since the Chang’E-1 launched in the year of 2007, after then VLBI was played an important role in the series of Chang’E missions, CE-2, CE-3 and CE-5T1, and will be continued in the future space mission. The observation network consists of Shanghai 25m&65m, Beijing 50m, Kunming 40m and Urumqi 25m radio telescopes. Up to now it still works in the traditional astronomy-compatible S/X station systems , both quasar and S/C are observed in the same Frequency setup. In CE-1 & CE-2 the quasar and S/C switching rules are 15min quasar and 45min S/C, in CE-3 and thereafter are <5min switching.

Primary author

Dr Guangli Wang (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)


Mr Jiulong Liu (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory) Dr Zhibin Zhang (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)

Presentation Materials