13-19 March 2016
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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How to register a VGOS-radio telescope at ITU and why it is important

14 Mar 2016, 15:45
Board: S2P5
Poster Presentation 2: VGOS Strategies and Expected Results Poster1-3


Brian Corey (MIT Haystack Observatory) Dr Vincenza TORNATORE (Politecnico di Milano - DICA)


A number of new VGOS-radio telescopes are built or under construction, partly at new locations. VGOS radio telescopes enable observations in the range of 2-14 GHz. For this reason VGOS radio telescopes are much more receptive for unwanted radio frequency interference. RFI originates from local transmitting devices as well as from space based transmitting systems. Some space-borne devices may cause detrimental radiation to VGOS receivers. It is important to register the new sites at ITU in order to obtain administrative protection for the radio telescope sites and to avoid direct illuminations by strong radars. This contributions explains how to achieve the registration.

Primary author

Dr Hayo Hase (Oficina Federal de Cartografía y Geodesia de Alemania (BKG))


Brian Corey (MIT Haystack Observatory) Dr Vincenza TORNATORE (Politecnico di Milano - DICA)

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