13-19 March 2016
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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Transition to the vgosDb data format.

14 Mar 2016, 17:00
Board: S4P6
Poster Presentation 4: Data Structures and Analysis Strategies in the VGOS Era Poster4-6


Dr John Gipson (NVI Inc/GSFC NASA)


The IVS Working Group 4 developed the new format to store and exchange data obtained from geodetic VLBI observations. The new data format, vgosDb, will replace existing Mk4 databases this year. At the GSFC NASA we developed software that will implement vgosDb format and will be used routinely to convert correlator output to the new data storage format. On this poster we present the vgosDb capable utilities that will replace the legacy software and our plans for switching to vgosDb format in the routine VLBI data analysis.

Primary author

Dr Sergei Bolotin (NVI, Inc/NASA GSFC)


Dr Daniel MacMillan (NVI, Inc./NASA GSFC) Dr David Gordon (NVI Inc./GSFC) Dr John Gipson (NVI Inc/GSFC NASA) Karen Baver (NASA GSFC)

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