Johannes Boehm
(Technische Universität Wien)
BACC(Beijing Aerospace Control Center), as the command center for the Chinese space program, got access to VieVS in 2011. Since 2013, IVS VLBI data has been downloaded and analyzed automatically with VieVS at BACC and the geodetic products will be provided firstly in the presentation. VieVS was also used to estimate the coordinates of new Chinese VLBI telescopes with domestic VLBI network in the past two years, the preliminary results will be presented secondly. Furthermore, Chinese lander on the moon has been observed by IVS VLBI telescopes with success already and the APOD (Atmospheric density detection and Precise Orbit Determination) satellite provides great possibility since it carries dual-frequency GNSS (GPS/BD) receiver, SLR reflector and S/X band VLBI beacon. VieVS was developed at BACC to meet the requirements of satellite observations. Lastly EOP prediction has been interpolated to VieVS and the comparisons of EOP prediction will also been presented.
Primary author
Jing Sun
(Beijing Aerospace Control Center)
Geshi Tang
(Beijing Aerospace Control Center)
Johannes Boehm
(Technische Universität Wien)
Songtao Han
(National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aerospace Flight Dynamics,Beijing Aerospace Control Center)
lue Chen
(National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aerospace Flight Dynamics, Beijing Aerospace Control Center, China)
mei wang
(National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aerospace Flight Dynamics, Beijing Aerospace Control Center, China)