13-19 March 2016
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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Status Report Norwegian Mapping Authority Analysis Center

16 Mar 2016, 12:10
Oral Presentation 4: Data Structures and Analysis Strategies in the VGOS Era Oral4: Data structures and Analysis Strategies in the VGOS Era


Ms Ann-Silje Kirkvik (Norwegian Mapping Authority)


The Norwegian Mapping Authority has been using GEOSAT to analyze 24-hour VLBI sessions. GEOSAT was originally developed by Per Helge Andersen at the Norwegian Research Defense Establishment, but is now owned by Norwegian Mapping Authority. GEOSAT is a multi-technique geodetic analysis software that aims to process observations from VLBI, SLR, GNSS and DORIS to improve the global geodetic reference frame. To validate the VLBI model in GEOSAT the Norwegian Mapping Authority tried to contribute to the next ITRF solution but encountered some major problems too close the final deadline. However, the Norwegian Mapping Authority successfully participated the VLBI Software Comparison Campaign 2015. A quick overview of the recent activities, challenges, priorities, status and future plans for the GEOSAT project at the Norwegian Mapping Authority will be presented.

Primary author

Ms Ann-Silje Kirkvik (Norwegian Mapping Authority)

Presentation Materials

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