13-19 March 2016
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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First implementations of new monitoring capabilities as extension to the e-RemoteCtrl software

14 Mar 2016, 15:45
Board: S3P11
Poster Presentation 3: Stations, Correlators, and Operations Centers Poster1-3


Dr Alexander Neidhardt (Technische Universität München, Geodätisches Observatorium Wettzell)


A new release of the telescope control software e-RemoteCtrl, which is designed to run VLBI observations remotely, has been extended with new monitoring capabilities. The software extension is a test for further monitoring and control infrastructures for complete VLBI networks. The poster shows Ideas and already implemented elements.

Primary author

Dr Alexander Neidhardt (Technische Universität München, Geodätisches Observatorium Wettzell)

Presentation Materials

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