13-19 March 2016
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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IVS Primary Data Center and Analysis Center at BKG

14 Mar 2016, 17:00
Board: S4P8
Poster Presentation 4: Data Structures and Analysis Strategies in the VGOS Era Poster4-6


Dieter Ullrich (BKG)


The BKG (Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy) Data Center is one of the three IVS Primary Data Centers. It archives all VLBI related data of IVS components and provides public access for the community. The VLBI Analysis Group of BKG is part of the jointly operated IVS Analysis Center of BKG and the Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformation of the University of Bonn. The BKG is responsible for the computation of time series of earth orientation parameters and tropospheric parameters, the generation of SINEX files for 24 hours VLBI sessions and Intensive sessions, and quarterly updated global solutions for terrestrial reference frame and celestial reference frame realizations.

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