13-19 March 2016
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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Difxcalc: Calc11 for the DiFX Correlator

14 Mar 2016, 15:45
Board: S3P10
Poster Presentation 3: Stations, Correlators, and Operations Centers Poster1-3


Dr David Gordon (NVI, Inc./GSFC)


Difxcalc is a version of calc11 modified specifically for the DiFX correlator. It is a replacement for the calc9.1 'calcserver' currently in use. To create difxcalc, all of the Mark3 database handler calls were removed from calc11 and new input, output and initialization modules were written and the flow of the program was modified for correlator usage. Difxcalc takes as its input the .calc files that are created in the difx processing stream and directly outputs the .im correlator model files. It can handle jobs with multiple scans and multiple phase centers. Difxcalc also contains near-field models, which will allow easier correlation of spacecraft or other objects in the solar system. We will outline the structure of difxcalc and list the differences from the calc9.1 'calcserver' and from the calc11 database version. Results of various tests and comparisons will also be presented.

Primary author

Dr David Gordon (NVI, Inc./GSFC)


Dr Walter Brisken (NRAO) Dr Walter Max-Moerbeck (Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy)

Presentation Materials

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