5-7 May 2015
Mabula Game Lodge
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Conference paper submission deadline is 8 May

Effects of the copper content on the structural and electrical properties of Cu2ZnSnSe4 bulks used in thin-film solar cells

5 May 2015, 15:15
1h 45m
Mabula Game Lodge

Mabula Game Lodge

Poster Presentations SACPM Poster


Dr Moges Tsega Yihunie (University of the Free State)


We have investigated the concept of defect in CuxZnSnSe4 (x= 1.62.0) and Cuy(Zn0.9Sn1.1)Se4 (y= 1.6-2.0) bulks prepared by liquid-phase sintering at 600 oC for 2 h with soluble sintering aids of Sb2S3 and Te. All CuxZnSnSe4 pellets exhibited p-type conductivity regardless of Cu contents but Cuy(Zn0.9Sn1.1)Se4 pellets show p-type at y=1.6 and n-type at y= 1.8-2.0. SEM surface images showed the sintered CZTSe bulk exhibited a smooth, densely packed and homogeneous surface at the nearly stoichiometric composition. Increasing the copper excess also yields a rougher CZTSe morphology. The non-stoichiometric composition of CZTSe under various Cu contents caused the intrinsic defects, and the structural and electrical properties of the bulks can be explained based on the point defect properties. The deficiency of Cu content in CZTSe bulks easily leads to smaller unit cells.

Are you currently a postgraduate student? (Yes/No)


Please provide the name and email address of your supervisor.

F.B. Dejene, dejenebf@qwa.ufs.ac.za

At what level of studies are you currently? (Hons/MSc/PhD)


Primary author

Dr Moges Tsega Yihunie (University of the Free State)

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