5-7 May 2015
Mabula Game Lodge
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Conference paper submission deadline is 8 May

The effect of the Optical System on the Electrical Performance of III-V Concentrator Triple Junction Solar Cells

5 May 2015, 15:15
1h 45m
Mabula Game Lodge

Mabula Game Lodge

Poster Presentations SACPM Poster


Prof. Ernest van Dyk (NMMU)


The progression of the development of High Concentrated Photovoltaic (H-CPV) technology promises lower costs and higher cell and module efficiencies. However, development is limited by various materials and device aspects. One of these, the power production limiting effects of the optical system on a Concentrator Triple Junction (CTJ) cell in an H-CPV module, is the focus of this paper. With carefully designed experiments, which included spectral measurements, topographic intensity profiles in the cell plane and the analysis of I-V curves of the CTJ cell/H-CPV module, one can fully characterise loss mechanisms associated with the optical system and their effect on the electrical performance of the CTJ cell.

Are you currently a postgraduate student? (Yes/No)


At what level of studies are you currently? (Hons/MSc/PhD)


Please provide the name and email address of your supervisor.

E.E van Dyk

Primary author

Mr Ross Schultz (Nelson Mandela Metropolitian University)


Prof. Ernest van Dyk (NMMU) Dr Frederik Vorster (NMMU)

Presentation Materials

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