Sharon Kiprotich
(University of the Free State)
The title of the abstract is “The influence of reaction times on structural, optical and luminescence properties of CdTe nanoparticles prepared by wet-chemical process”
In introduction, the abstract reports the study of CdTe nanoparticles made by a simple green synthesis using L-cystein as a capping agent, potassium tellurite and sodium selenosulphate as stable tellurium and selenium sources. The synthesis parameters have considerable influence on the particle size and photoluminescence quantum yield of the CdTe nanoparticles.
The results part of the abstract, discusses briefly the properties of CdTe as characterised using PL, TEM, UV-vis and XRD. Spectra on a representative TEM micrographs of CdTe nanoaprticles and PL emission of CdTe QDs prepared at various reaction emitting at different wavelength when excited by a single excitation wavelength were attached. Finally, three references were appended at the foot of the abstract.
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F.B Dejene, dejenebf@qwa.ufs.ac.za
Primary author
Sharon Kiprotich
(University of the Free State)
Francis Dejene
(University of the Free State)
Martin Onani
(University of Western Cape)