23-27 September 2013
Necsa's Visitor Centre
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Towards Automatic Detection of Infested Oranges using Computed Tomography Imaging

23 Sep 2013, 15:10
2h 20m
Necsa's Visitor Centre

Necsa's Visitor Centre

Pelindaba, Broederstroom
Poster Presentation Poster Posters, Exhibition and Necsa Visit


Mr Robert Nshimirimana (NECSA)


The South African Radiography and Tomography Centre (SANCRAT) hosts a Microfocus X-ray tomography system (µCT) which is extensively being utilized in non-destructive examination research projects originating from higher educational institutes and research councils. In the biosciences field of application, oranges for export have to be free of infestation (larvae from moths and fruit flies); thus, µCT has been utilized in a research project by the citrus industry in South Africa in a pilot project to automatically identify infested oranges before export. It has been proven successfully, using µCT, that infested oranges can be identified using human vision; future research is focussed to detect infested oranges without human intervention where computer algorithms and codes will be applied for automatic detection of infested oranges.
Submit a paper<br>for peer review<br>(SA Journal of Science)?<br>(Yes / No / Maybe) No

Primary author

Mr Robert Nshimirimana (NECSA)


Mr Wayne Kirkman (Citrus Research International)

Presentation Materials

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