23-27 September 2013
Necsa's Visitor Centre
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

AESOP: A new European and South African partnership - Imaging our past to promote our heritage.

23 Sep 2013, 11:30
Necsa's Visitor Centre

Necsa's Visitor Centre

Pelindaba, Broederstroom
Oral Presentation Oral Oral Presentation


Prof. José Braga (University of Toulouse (Paul Sabatier), France)


This presentation announces a new collaborative network called AESOP that strengthens the relationships between South African and European partners. The AESOP multidisciplinary and intersectorial Erasmus Mundus consortium co-ordinated by the University Paul Sabatier-Toulouse 3 (France) and co-coordinated the University of the Western Cape (South Africa) is composed of 11 European and 9 South African university partners, as well as four additional associate members. AESOP encourages the collaboration between different sectors to promote South African heritage inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and restored for the benefit of future generations. At the heart of this partnership are several visualization, quantification and other computer-based techniques which use images generated though non-destructive radiation techniques, and which offer additional insights into the records of our heritage, natural and cultural past. This presentation provides cross-disciplinary examples illustrating techniques in a representative range of scientific cases in relation to the study and promotion of heritage. The AESOP consortium aims to contribute to the development of educational/academic networking and new skilled human resources, but also to the use of national symbols, cultural and natural heritage as vectors for sustainable partnership. In order to encourage newcomers at the interfaces of several fields including palaeontology, archaeological science, art conservation and material science, AESOP will organize 152 opportunities to contribute towards Master and PhD degrees, and to support academic staff, by encouraging double degree programmes between European and South African members. Such a partnership will also enhance the expertise and capability of AESOP teachers, students, engineers, researchers, and other professionals to assimilate new technical developments for improving research and curation process efficiency, as well as for developing a future European and South African joint training and research unit for the study and awareness of heritage.
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Primary author

Prof. José Braga (University of Toulouse (Paul Sabatier), France)


Dr Frikkie de Beer (NECSA, South Africa) Dr Gérard Subsol (LIRMM, CNRS, Montpellier) Dr Jean Dumoncel (UMR 5288 CNRS, Toulouse) Prof. Jean-Pierre Jessel (Université de Toulouse (Paul Sabatier), IRIT, France) Prof. John Francis Thackeray (Evolutionary Studies Institute, Wits University, South Africa) Dr Stanley Durrleman (INRIA, Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière, Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, Frane)

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