18-22 November 2024
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Big Science and Big Goals for Africa

Enhanced Optical Nonlinearity in Lycopene Bioconjugated Ag Nanoparticles

Not scheduled


Ms Erna Leticia Tchinda Ngounou (University of South Africa)



It has been shown that lycopene molecules have a substantial nonlinear optical third order susceptibility, ꭓ(3), because of their double bond conjugated electronic structure. It is demonstrated that natural Lycopene has a markedly higher 3rd order nonlinearity, ꭓ(3), as high as 2.65 10−6 esu, the highest value of any natural phytocompound studied to date, including β-carotene [1]. This is correlated with its 1-D conjugated π-electrons linear shape. Silver nanoparticles bio-conjugated lycopene is confirmed to demonstrate an additional improvement in both linear and nonlinear optical characteristics in this contribution. This later significant additional NLO improvement appears to be opening up a possible application in photodynamic treatment in particular and biophotonics in general.


[1] N. Numan, S. Jeyaram, K. Kaviyarazu and M. Maaza. Scientific Reports. 12 (2022) 9078.

Primary authors

Ms Erna Leticia Tchinda Ngounou (University of South Africa) Prof. Malik Maaza (University of South Africa) Prof. Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou (University of Abomey-Calavi)

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