18-23 November 2024
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Big Science and Big Goals for Africa

Ptychography and CDI at the Diamond i13-1 beamline: Highlights

Not scheduled
AfLS Plenary


Dr Kudakwashe Jakata (European Synchrotron)


X-ray computed tomography has proven to be a very useful technique with applications in materials science on carbon fibre composites, lithium-ion battery research, in palaeontology and geology among others. The resolution attainable is limited by lenses and the detectors. However, ptychography is a lens less technique which can ne used to obtain nanometre resolution and allows quantification of the phase. We present the setup of the i13-1 beamline of the Diamond Light Source for ptychography and Bragg coherent diffraction imaging (BCDI). We also present results obtained in the study of a titanium alloy part fabricated using metal injection moulding.

Primary author

Dr Kudakwashe Jakata (European Synchrotron)

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