3-7 July 2023
University of Zululand
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
The Proceedings of SAIP2023 Published: 20 December 2023

Multi-fluid perturbations in $f(T)$ gravity

5 Jul 2023, 09:40
University of Zululand

University of Zululand

Oral Presentation Track D1 - Astrophysics Astrophysics & Space Science


Shambel Sahlu (North-West University)


The cosmological perturbations for a multi-component cosmic medium is investigated
in the frame-work of the modified teleparallel gravity. The evolution equations of theperturbations for each component fluid are derived following the covariant and gaugeinvariant perturbations formalism. For the analysis of our results, we consider the power-law $f(T)$ gravity toy model and study the growth of the matter density fluctuations deep in the radiation- and dust-dominated epochs. We will then highlight the effect of torsion in the formation of large-scale structure formation in the universe.

Level for award;(Hons, MSc, PhD, N/A)?


Apply to be considered for a student ; award (Yes / No)? No

Primary authors

Prof. Amare Abebe (North-West University) Shambel Sahlu (North-West University)

Presentation Materials