3 Wise Sages (in session "Closing")
(2+1)D Graphene in a magnetic field in Non-Commutative Space (in session "Partner")
A Centre of Excellence in Planetary Space Science and Technology in Africa (in session "Plenary")
A report on the LAAAMP FA-ST team visit to the ESRF (in session "Plenary")
A Synchrotron as Accelerator of Science Development in Central America and the Caribbean (in session "Plenary")
A versatile and multi-disciplinary electron microscopy facility at the tip of Africa (in session "AfLS Contribution")
Adsorption of Br2 molecule on the Fe/W(110) substrate: Energetics, electronic and magnetic properties (in session "Partner")
Advances in Materials Characterization and Analysis using the Powder Diffraction File (in session "Partner")
AfCA - Science and Progress for Africa (in session "Plenary")
AfLS Welcome Address (in session "Opening")
AfPS Welcome Address (in session "Opening")
African Light Source + CDR Focus (in session "Plenary")
Application of Synchrotron Radiation to High Pressure Mineral Physics of Earth’s Core (in session "AfLS Contribution")
Bio/chemo-inspired electronic oscillators and their use in commanding/modulating optoelectronic and microelectromechanical systems (in session "Plenary")
Biomedical Research and Biosciences at NSLS-II (in session "AfLS Contribution")
BIUST Executive Closing (in session "Closing")
BIUST Welcome Address (in session "Opening")
Catalysis and Chemical Sciences at NSLS-II (in session "AfLS Contribution")
Compatibility of Transformer Insulating Paper (Kraft paper) with Nanofluid prepared from Neem Oil Ester (in session "Partner")
Current status and future plans of BL04B1/SPring-8 (in session "Plenary")
Dark Field X-ray Microscopy: A Synchrotron-based Rock'n Roll Imaging (in session "Plenary")
Development of Networks of Low-Cost Air Quality Monitors in African Cities (in session "Partner")
Development of Smartphone-based malaria detection system (in session "Partner")
Diamond - Highlights and Africa (in session "Plenary")
Edge detection of lithological structures Using Analytical Signal Technique on gravity data; a case of Gombe arm of Benue Trough (in session "Partner")
Elettra SYRMEP (SYnchrotron Radiation for MEdical Physics) beamline (in session "AfLS Contribution")
Environmental and human health risks assessment of potentially toxic elements content in soils of a prospective phosphate mining area in Hinda district, Republic of Congo (in session "Partner")
ESRF-EBS Highlights and Africa (in session "Plenary")
Ferrimagnetic mixed Ising spin (7/2, 1/2) system: by Mean Field Theory, Exact Recursion Relations and Monte Carlo method (in session "Partner")
Frist-Principles Study of Magnetic Susceptibility and Field-Dependent Magneto-Optics in Antiferromagnetic Materials (in session "Partner")
Fuel burnup calculations for current LEU fuel and converted HEU fuel for the Nigerian Research Reactor-1 (NIRR-1) using the WIMS-ANL computer code (in session "Partner")
How synchrotron scanning changed the evolutionary history of sense organs in mammals and their ancestors (in session "AfLS Contribution")
How the characterization of cement-based materials by beamline techniques can boost sustainable development in Africa (in session "AfLS Contribution")
How the synchrotron light can prove planetological knowledge: the case of icy planetary bodies (in session "AfLS Contribution")
Identification of waste plastics Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (in session "Partner")
In vivo crystallization of protein targets for African Sleeping Sickness (Trypanosoma brucei) Therapeutics (in session "Plenary")
Induced neutrino charge in a magnetized medium (in session "Partner")
Lightsources for Africa, the Americas, Asia, Middle East and Pacific (LAAAMP) (in session "Plenary")
LNLS - Highlights and Africa (in session "Plenary")
Major, minor and trace element concentrations in leaves of Lavandula stoechas collected from Senhaja Srair region (North of morocco) by INAA and ICP-MS. (in session "Partner")
Munich Compact Light Source (MuCLS) (in session "Plenary")
NCO and OCN adsorption and decomposition study on the Ag(110) surface (in session "Partner")
NSLS-II Highlights and Africa (in session "Plenary")
Numerical Modeling and Optimization of CaZrS3 chalcogenide Perovskite Solar Cell by Using SCAPS-1D with theoretical efficiency approaching 20% (in session "Partner")
Opening (in session "Opening")
Optimized RbGeI3 based perovskite solar cell with efficiency exceeding 29% (in session "Partner")
Production of a Higgs boson in association with a pair of fermions in the presence of a circularly polarized laser field (in session "Partner")
Quantitative and chemical nanoimaging of heterogeneous materials by 3D X-ray ptychography (in session "Plenary")
Salt Tolerance in Glaberrima rice: Mechanism and approach using micro-proton induced x- ray emission techniques (in session "Partner")
Serial Femto Second Crystallography (in session "Plenary")
SESAME - HESEB: the first soft x-ray beamline at SESAME and the research opportunities it brought (in session "Plenary")
SESAME - Highlights and Africa (in session "Plenary")
SESAME - IR Beamline: an oasis of multidisciplinary scientific domains (in session "Plenary")
SESAME - SR-based XAFS/XRF techniques and applications (in session "Plenary")
SESAME - Updates from BEATS, the BEAmline for Tomography at SESAME (in session "Plenary")
SESAME - X-ray diffraction research opportunities at SESAME Materials Science beamline (in session "Plenary")
SESAME Director (in session "Plenary")
Shape evolution of even-A {112-124}^Sn isotopes within RHB (in session "Partner")
Simulation of X-ray tubes using Geant4 Monte Carlo toolkit (in session "Partner")
Study of multicomponent materials at the BAMline, a multipurpose synchrotron beamline (in session "AfLS Contribution")
Synchrotron for Neuroscience – an Asia Pacific Strategic Enterprise” (SYNAPSE) (in session "Plenary")
Synchrotron radiation study of a 200 year-old Gaylussite (Na2Ca(CO3)2·5H2O) specimen from Lagunillas-Mérida, Venezuela, and comparison with a specimen from Lake Magadi, Kenya. (in session "AfLS Contribution")
Thank you and Closing Ceremony (in session "Closing")
The atomic and electronic structure stability of 3C-SiC/SiC interface superstructures: A DFT calculation (in session "Partner")
The beamlines XAFS and XRF at Elettra: scientific highlights and opportunities (in session "Plenary")
The Compact XFEL Project (in session "Plenary")
The cosmology of changing 'constants' (in session "Partner")
The current impact and the bright future of X-ray imaging for palaeontology and evolutionary biology (in session "Plenary")
The effect of water on the elasticity of minerals (in session "AfLS Contribution")
The European XFEL Facility (in session "Plenary")
Thermodynamics of Non-linear magnetic-charged AdS black hole surrounded by quintessence, in the background of perfect fluid dark matter (in session "Partner")
Topological phases of Su-Schrieffer-Heeger alternating ladders (in session "Partner")
Transition probability and oscillator strength determination in Os4+ by means of semi-empirical HFR+CPOL and ab initio MCDHF-RCI (in session "Partner")
Tribological and Synchrotron Characterization of sputtered WC-Co thin films (in session "AfLS Contribution")
Ultra fast atomic pair distribution function (PDF) analysis: a new chapter in the goal of atomic movies (in session "Plenary")
XAFS studies at Photon Factory, KEK, and a faculty and student team visit (in session "AfLS Contribution")
XTech Lab - Science and Progress (in session "Plenary")
Include materials from selected contributions