22-26 March 2021
Zoom Conference
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Biophysics in and for Africa

Molecular basis for the transfer of large toxin plasmids in Clostridium perfringens

24 Mar 2021, 17:10
Zoom Conference

Zoom Conference

Virtual Event
Oral Presentation Structural biology I Structural biology II


Daouda Traore


The transfer of large toxin and antibiotic resistance genes in the pathogenic bacteria Clostridium perfringens is mediated by the tcp conjugation locus. Functional genetic analysis of the tcp locus of the paradigm plasmid pCW3 has revealed that its gene products assemble into a multi-protein complex that distantly resembles a type 4 secretion system (T4SS).

Here, I will provide a brief summary of our current understanding of the DNA system., knowledge that was built upon a combination of structural biology studies and functional microbial genetics

Primary author

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