22-26 March 2021
Zoom Conference
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Biophysics in and for Africa

COVID-proofing Biochemistry and engaging diverse students with Crystallography Research

23 Mar 2021, 16:40
Zoom Conference

Zoom Conference

Virtual Event
Oral Presentation Development of the future of biophysics in Africa Development of the future of biophysics in Africa


Oluwatoyin Asojo (Hampton University)


My objective is to share approaches by which I incorporate structural biology into our biochemistry curriculum at Hampton University. I will also discuss methods to engage K-12 and undergraduate students in crystallographic research and structural biology (since 2001). I will show the successes and failures involved in the process of fully integrating these pre-baccalaureate students in crystallography research. Our outreach efforts have included socioeconomically underserved students or groups underrepresented in STEM. We will present strategies for recruiting and retaining STEM students. We will present the significant barriers to our research programs. We will also discuss potential funding sources. Finally, we will present how structural science has helped COVID-proof our research and biochemistry teaching approach over the past year of remote-learning.

Primary author

Oluwatoyin Asojo (Hampton University)

Presentation Materials