22-30 July 2021
North-West University
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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Glancing Incidence X-ray Diffraction (GIXRD) analysis of induced nanocrystalline boron nitride (BN) on ion-implanted poly-crystalline hexagonal BN.

30 Jul 2021, 11:45
Potchefstroom Campus (North-West University)

Potchefstroom Campus

North-West University

Oral Presentation Track F - Applied Physics Applied Physics


Mr Lehlohonolo Lisema (School of Physics, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 2050, South Africa, DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Strong Materials (DSI-NRF CoE-SM) and) iThemba LABS (Gauteng), Private Bag 11, P.O. Wits, Johannesburg 2050, South Africa.)


This study examined changes in the properties of poly-crystalline hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) samples implanted with light ions (He+, Li+, B+, and Ne+) at 150 keV and at a fluence of 1x1015 ions/cm2. We have previously reported the production of cubic boron nitride nanoparticles in a subsurface layer, accompanied by a measurable hardening. The GIXRD findings show a new peak at 46.45° characteristic of c-BN (111) on the XRD spectra of implanted samples. The as-grown h-BN lattice parameter, as determined from XRD, was 2.499 Å and the lattice parameters of samples implanted with He+, Li+, B+ and Ne+ ions were 2.581 Å, 2.514 Å, 2.508 Å and 2.509 Å, respectively. There is a transition to lower angles and expansion in the peak position, this is due to the residual stress caused by ion implantation since there is a difference in the lattice parameter ratios, i.e., one lattice parameter is shorter, the other is longer (a and c lattice parameters, respectively). This could mean a hexagonal stress-related phase change to cubic nanoparticles (nc-BN). The increase in hardness affects the attenuation of X-ray photons because the density of the material on the implanted surface is affected and the X-ray photons penetrate deep into the sample. The Scherrer equation was used to calculate the particle size of the induced nc-BN particles.

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Primary authors

Mr Lehlohonolo Lisema (School of Physics, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 2050, South Africa, DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Strong Materials (DSI-NRF CoE-SM) and) iThemba LABS (Gauteng), Private Bag 11, P.O. Wits, Johannesburg 2050, South Africa.) Prof. David G Billing (School of Chemistry, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 2050, South Africa)


Dr Morgan Madhuku () iThemba LABS (Gauteng), Private Bag 11, P.O. Wits, Johannesburg 2050, South Africa) Prof. Trevor Derry (School of Physics, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 2050, South Africa and DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Strong Materials (DSI-NRF CoE-SM).) Mr Adam Shnier (School of Chemistry, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 2050, South Africa and DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Strong Materials (DSI-NRF CoE-SM).) Prof. Daniel Wamwangi (School of Physics, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 2050, South Africa)

Presentation Materials