With University of the Witwatersrand responsible for producing 50% of the Low Voltage Power Supplies (LVPS) bricks for powering on-detector electronics of the Handronic Tile Calorimeter (TileCal). The Burn-in testing station is used to detect early failures in components of the LVPS bricks, thereby increasing component reliability, detect early failures in components. The LVPS bricks that passes this test are then shipped to CERN, for installation on the detector. Here we describe the significance and functionality of the brick interface board on the burn-in station, and the process to programme PIC16f883 microcontroller, which is used to send commands and act as a multiplexer to main board, brick interface boards on the burn-in test station and enables the LabView software programme to interface with the hardware of the Burn-in to successfully carryout its functions.
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