22-30 July 2021
North-West University
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
More Information Coming Soon

Selection of a Vortex beam using a Sagnac Interferometer

Not scheduled
Potchefstroom Campus (North-West University)

Potchefstroom Campus

North-West University

Poster Presentation Track C - Photonics Photonics


Maitshoko Mereotlhe (MSc Student)


Optical fields with an embedded phase singularity are referred to as vortex beams as they carry and impart Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM). They have been found to be attractive in various applications such as optical trapping, quantum communications, laser ablation, manipulation of atoms and micro particles and surface structuring. Techniques to select vortex beams vary from spiral phase plates to spatial light modulators to birefringent q-plates to name a few. One interesting approach is the use of interferometric techniques which are known to generate higher order modes from fundamental Gaussian modes. Here we demonstrate experimentally a technique combining a Sagnac Intereferometer and an Astigmatic Mode Converter (AMC) to generate a vortex beam. We exploit both the amplitude and phase difference of two superposing Gaussian beams to obtain a pure Hermite Gaussian mode of first order, then propagate it through an AMC to achieve a vortex mode. As a result, the technique presents a potential for high power applications in laser material processing.

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Primary author

Maitshoko Mereotlhe (MSc Student)


Dr Darryl Naidoo (Principal Researcher, Novel Lasers) Prof. Andrew Forbes (Professor)

Presentation Materials