22-30 July 2021
North-West University
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
More Information Coming Soon

The SAIP Benchmark Statement and Physics Graduate Preparedness: A Case Study of University of the Western Cape.

29 Jul 2021, 12:45
Potchefstroom Campus (North-West University)

Potchefstroom Campus

North-West University

Oral Presentation Track E - Physics for Development, Education and Outreach Physics for Development, Education and Outreach


Bako Nyikun AUDU (University of the Western Cape)


In line with current realities and best practices across the world, preparing physics students and graduates is beyond the usual physics career bracket. Preparation of Physics students in the now is beyond the standard model, where preparation now include working well in teams, understanding how science and technology are used in real-world settings, writing, and speaking well, and understanding the context in which work is now done; where use and value of knowledge and graduate skills go beyond the knowledge of physics is often engaged. These concerns led the researchers to draw on various education theories in to order to understand, investigate and relate how preparedness in terms of graduate skills will benefit physics graduates. In this study, the researchers will focus on the Benchmark Statement on BSc Physics and BSc (Hons) Physics programs in South Africa as articulated by SAIP, graduate attributes (transferable skills and citizen skills) in the context of Physics Graduate Attributes (PGAs), the physics curriculum from a progressive university in South Africa in answering “How are intended physics graduate attributes (as specified by SAIP and Charter of graduate attributes) embedded in the BSc and BSc (Hons) physics curriculum?”. The study will assess the stand of SAIP regarding how Universities adopt the Benchmark Statement and recommend suggestions for further oversight by SAIP.

Level for award;(Hons, MSc, PhD, N/A)?


Apply to be considered for a student ; award (Yes / No)?


Primary authors

Bako Nyikun AUDU (University of the Western Cape) Prof. Delia Marshall (UWC) Dr Mark Herbert (UWC)

Presentation Materials

Peer reviewing
