The influence of Location and Gender on Shaping Student Performance in Physics.
Oluseye Folasayo Sadare¹, Thasmai Dhurumraj2&Awelani V. Mudau3
1. Department of Science and Technology Education, University of South Africa.
2. Department of Science and Technology Education, University of Johannesburg
3. Department of Science and Technology Education, University of South Africa.
Email: sadareoluseye@gmail.com1,tdhurumraj@uj.ac.za2, , mudauav@unisa.ac.za
The poor enrolment of females in Science subjects creates gender inequalities. This study sought to explore how location and gender shape student performance in Physics. A qualitative approach was adopted for this study that randomly selected four co-educational public secondary schools, two schools from urban areas and rural areas respectively in Nigeria. Ethical considerations were accounted for by gaining permissions from the relevant departments to conduct the study. Pseudo names have been used for all participants. Data was collected through interviews, classroom observations, and document analysis. Data was analyzed deductively. The findings revealed that the gender of the students affect their performance in Physics with male students performing better than female students. Also, urban students perform better than rural students in physics. This study will assist government in the distribution of amenities to various towns and communities and also develop the interest of female students in Physics.
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