2-5 May 2017
Florida Science Campus (UNISA)
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
The symposium is in memory of the late Prof. SA Sofianos, a distinguished Physicist who served UNISA and the Few-body Physics community all his life.

An equivalence of the complex rotation resonances and scattering matrix resonances

Not scheduled
Florida Science Campus (UNISA)

Florida Science Campus (UNISA)

University of South Africa Florida Science Campus c/o Christiaan de Wet Road and Pioneer Avenue Florida Park, Roodepoort
Oral Presentation Oral Presentations


Prof. Alexander Motovilov (Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR)


We consider a momentum-space multi-channel Hamiltonian that underwent the complex rotation, a kind of inhomogeneous complex scaling. Isolated non-real eigenvalues of this Hamiltonian are called the complex rotation resonances. For a class of sufficiently rapidly decreasing and analytic interactions, we prove that the complex rotation resonances do correspond to the scattering matrix resonances, that is, to the poles of the scattering matrix analytically continued to the respective unphysical sheet. Our proof employs the explicit representations that express the multi-channel T- and S-matrices on unphysical energy sheets through those same matrices taken only in the physical sheet.

Primary author

Prof. Alexander Motovilov (Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR)

Presentation Materials

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