2-5 May 2017
Florida Science Campus (UNISA)
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
The symposium is in memory of the late Prof. SA Sofianos, a distinguished Physicist who served UNISA and the Few-body Physics community all his life.

Gaussian Expansion Method and its application to few-nucleon systems

Not scheduled
Florida Science Campus (UNISA)

Florida Science Campus (UNISA)

University of South Africa Florida Science Campus c/o Christiaan de Wet Road and Pioneer Avenue Florida Park, Roodepoort
Oral Presentation Oral Presentations


Prof. Emiko Hiyama (Nishina Center, RIKEN, Wako, 351-0198, Japan)


One of the most important subjects in physics is to calculate few-body Schroedinger equation accurately. By solving the equation, we can predict various observable before measurement and can obtain new understanding. For this purpose, it is necessary to develop the method to calculate three- and four-body problems precisely and to apply to various fields such as nuclear physic as well as atomic physics. We proposed ‘Gaussian Expansion method using infinitesimally-shifted Gaussian lobe basis function’. This method has been applied to few-nucleon systems, hadronic systems, atomic systems etc. In this symposium, I will introduce the Gaussian Expansion method and report one of recent hot topics, tetra neutron system. The structure of tetra neutron system was already done by Prof. Sofianos. Here, I will report what is progress after his work.

Primary author

Prof. Emiko Hiyama (Nishina Center, RIKEN, Wako, 351-0198, Japan)

Presentation Materials

Peer reviewing
