28 June 2015 to 3 July 2015
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
SAIP2015 Proceeding published on 17 July 2016

Thermoluminescence from semiconductor quantum dots

2 Jul 2015, 15:20
Oral Presentation Track G - Theoretical and Computational Physics TCP


Prof. Francis Dejene (University of the Free State)

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Dejene BF

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The TL from different materials has been studied by many research groups. The simplest possible model that has been used to describe the process by which materials emit the light when heated consists of two localized levels: an isolated electron trap and a recombination center. This approach is commonly called one-trap-one-recombination center (OTOR) model. The interactive-multi-trap-system (IMTS) model has also been used. It assumes that there is one active electron trap; one thermally disconnected deep trap that cannot be thermally activated, and one recombination center. Basically, in an experiment we often have more than one active electron traps taking part in TL process. In this paper, the second order kinetics describing the thermoluminescence from semiconductor quantum dots consisting two active electron trap levels and one recombination center model is proposed. The two trap levels are located at different trap depths beneath the conduction band. The rate equations corresponding to each trap level allow us to numerically simulate the variation of the concentration of electrons in both traps and the thermoluminescence intensity as a function of temperature for the semiconductor quantum dots of diameter 2-8nm. It is shown that the intensity increases with decreasing in the dot size indicating that the quantum confinement effect enhances the band to band radiative recombination rate. The two peaks of the intensity correspond to the two different active electron trap levels. With an increase in the dot size of the deeper trap, the peaks of intensity shift to the high temperature region.

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Primary author

Mr Nebiyu Gemechu Debelo (University of the Free State (Qwaqwa Campus),)


Dr Belayneh Mesfin (Addis Ababa University) Prof. Francis Dejene (University of the Free State) Dr Kittesa Roro Kittesa Roro (R&D (Energy Initiatives) CSIR) Dr Teshome Senbeta (Addis Ababa University) V. N. Mal’nev (Addis Ababa University)

Presentation Materials